Thursday, February 10, 2005

Putting Resumes on Big Job Boards

Everyone asks about the effectiveness of putting their resume on one of the big job boards. I always advise against it. Here is why:

To me, placing your resume on a job board is like posting a classified ad saying I'm looking for a job, call me if you want me. It is the most passive way of looking for a job, and, for the most part, least effective way.

Most of the people who get hits from the job boards are those with a very specific, in-demand skill set.

What is the best way to job search? The old fashioned way--networking and contacting the employer directly. To find out more, contact me for a laser session about the job search.

Oh, and since the Churchill nut is in the news, NEVER lie or make up details on your resume. Bad, Bad!!! It will always come back to haunt you. If you want to know more about the aforementioned nut, go to

Till next time...

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