The Gender Factor
Interesting Trends in Professions for Men: A recent article in Human Resource Executive® Magazine noted some interesting stats on non-traditional professions for men:
For instance, there were about 9,000 male nutritionists in the United States in 2002, up from 7,000 in 2000, and they accounted for a larger percentage of the total--89.3 percent. Similarly, the number of male switchboard operators was also 9,000 in 2004, up from 7,000 four years earlier. They accounted for nearly 14 percent of the total, up from 10 percent of all operators in 2002.
Another burgeoning line of work for men is the position of paralegal or legal assistant. Men accounted for 44,000 in 2002, up from 33,000 in 2000. As a result, they accounted for 13.7 percent of all paralegals three years ago, up from 11.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The number of male nurses increased to 193,000 as of last year, or roughly 7.8 percent of all registered nurses, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Looking back still further, the number of men who taught nursery school and kindergarten reached 15,000 in 2002, up from 6,000 in 1983. And the number of male librarians increased from 24,000, or 12.4 percent of all librarians, in 1983, to 38,000, or 18.3 percent of the total three years ago.
Source: Human Resource Executive® Magazine
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